If you want your collaborators to automatically create their own copies when they receive share links, here is the trick that works Google Drive tools: Docs, Sheets and Slides.

Within your own Google Drive account, it is easy to make a copy of any document you need. This simple trick will enables you to share a link to collaborators which will able them to create their own copy of a given Google Doc, Slide or Sheet.
This will save them a trip to the File > Make a Copy command on the menu.
Here are the components when you open a Google Doc, Slide or Sheet via an URL (web address):

Open Mode
Open Mode is what we will modify and use in this trick. It is the last component of the URL which instructs the Google Apps to open the document.
Note that your options will be limited by your access permissions on the specific document.
Give Users Their Own Google Drive Documents
In order to ensure users, collaborator or to anyone you shared the documents creates their own copy of from your original document; you can provide them with a link ending with the mode set to:
https:// docs .google.com/spreadsheets/d/123ajdDJHFbbghgDfhbnKDjh/copy
This instructs the Google Drive to create a copy of the original and prompt the user with a Copy Document option screen with a Make a copy button.

On clicking the Make a copy button, the user is taken to their own new copy of the original.
None of the sharing attributes or document history (versions, comments) are included in the copy which is owned by the user and placed in their own My Drive.
Simple and Easy Steps
After you have shared a document publicly or with a specific people, you can create a custom link to let anyone use it as a template or just wanted to modify it without affecting your original version.
Copy the URL in your browser’s address bar while you’re viewing the spreadsheet.
Replace the word “edit” at the end with “copy”.
They will immediately be prompted to make a copy with a single click and the original stays preserved in your account.
We hope this Trick will help you!
Looking for more Google Apps and Tools tips? Check out these G Suite Tips and Tricks!
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