Google announced that an upcoming renaming of Google Drive feature "Team Drives" to "Shared Drives" will be starting this month.

Starting this month, Google Drive users will see "Team Drives" renamed to "Shared Drives" across Drive File Stream, Drive for web, iOS and Android.
In Google Drive, in the left hand side panel, “Team Drives” is now renamed to “Shared drives.” Any desktop shortcuts that link to content inside of shared drives will need to be updated.
This change will not affect Team Drives existing functionality it is "simply a name change". All features will stay the same, only the visual change to Team Drives will read as “Shared Drives”.

Why Google is Renaming Team Drives?
Users telling Google that they use Team Drives for "a lot more than sharing within teams". “Shared drives” makes it easier now to understand how you could use them like common understanding when using "shared folder" or "shared calendars".
How to avoid broken paths?
Google notes how ends users will need to update “any desktop shortcuts that link to content inside of shared drives,” like external parties.
Admins: If your organisation currently relies on file paths of content linked from Drive File Stream—like shortcuts, scripts, etc.—you will need to update your file paths to “shared drives” as soon as possible after May 31, 2019.

Expected Availability
On mobile: Android users will see this change beginning on May 28, 2019
iOS users will see this change beginning on May 21, 2019
On Drive File Stream will see the rename beginning May 31st with version 31 in the navigation drawer
Drive on the web will be updated starting on June 3, 2019
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